Start with a free trial and use Ohutu for one project, on us.
If you need more than one project, sign up to our unlimited Pro package, or simply Pay as you Go.
And remember, CDM compliance is mandatory, so can be charged out with a project to your customers
Sure thing! Simply upgrade to our unlimited Pro plan from within your account area and you can use it as much as you like. Alternatively, add one Project at a time if you only need it now and then.
Yes you can. You can move up to the Pro plan at any point and get access to unlimited Projects. Simply click the button in your 'My Projects' screen.
No, I'm afraid not. We only offer the Annual plan at the moment.
Ohutu means 'safe' in Estonian.
Nope. We're Brits.
Yes, I'm afraid we have to charge VAT. It will be added when you upgrade your account to the Unlimited plan.
No credit card. No nonsense. Use it for free on one of your projects straight away.
© 2024. Created whilst wearing appropriate PPE by Ohutu